What To Expect On Your First Visit

We pride ourselves on our hospitality, but visiting any church for the first time can be a little intimidating.  Everything from the lay of the land to the language can make it all too easy to get turned around.   At Saint James, we're happy to let you get your bearings at your own pace, but the last thing we want you to feel when stepping into our church is alone.  Below are some of the questions you might be asking yourself before you come to visit.

What Time Are Your Sunday Services?

Our church services are Sundays at 8am and 10am. All are welcome!

What to Wear? 

Casual dress is totally fine.  Some of the men in our congregation wear coats and ties and some of the women wear dresses, but dressing up is not required. 

We Are A Growing Congregation

We have a large physical plant with a relatively small but growing congregation.  The present congregation began to form in December 2022 when the parish returned to the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina after a split led by conservative clergy.  We are undergoing steady growth, but it may take some time to fill our pews.  

Special Aids 

Receivers for hearing assistance are available from an usher. 

Children and Worship 

Nursery care is available for children up to age four from 9:45 until approximately 11:15. The nursery is located in the building to the left of the main church (Saint James Center).  Just walk through the colonnade. You may pick up your children from the nursery after the exchange of the Peace so that they can receive Communion with you. 

We have packets available for all children containing children's bulletins based on the current Sunday, drawing and coloring pages for the liturgical season, and plain paper for the creative.  Soft toys are in a separate activity box. 

Worshiping with Us 

You will find two different books in the book rack of your pew: a Book of Common Prayer (abbreviated as BCP in the bulletin), and a Hymnal.  Most of the service is printed in the bulletin.  If one of the books is to be used, page numbers are printed in the bulletin. If you have difficulty finding the right book or page, don't hesitate to ask someone nearby for help. 

Singing with Us 

We have an amazing choir and music program at Saint James Episcopal! Hymns from the Hymnal 1982 are identified in the bulletin by hymn number. If there is an "S" before the hymn number (for example S125), the music can be found at the front of the Hymnal.  

Kneel, Stand or Sit?

We Episcopalians do a lot of sitting, standing, and kneeling at various times during the worship service. Generally, we stand or kneel for prayer, sit to listen to teachings and stand for singing and praise. As the service proceeds, you may see some people sitting while others stand or kneel. You may choose whichever you prefer.

Holy Communion

The congregation is seated until directed to come forward.  There is no wrong way to receive Communion. Traditionally, to receive the consecrated bread, extend your hands upward and your palms crossed. When receiving the wine, please assist the chalice as it is offered. Alternatively, you can retain the bread and dip it into the wine.  Gluten-free wafers are available; please ask the person distributing Communion when he or she gets to you.  Please know that receiving just the bread or just the wine is considered full Communion.  If you prefer not to receive the Sacrament, you may ask for a blessing instead by crossing your arms over your chest.  Please tell an usher if you need to receive Holy Communion at your pew.

We Look Forward to Welcoming You to Saint James Episcopal Church

At Saint James, you're not just a visitor; you're a valued part of our growing family. So, come as you are! If you still have any questions, feel free to email or call us. We're looking forward to welcoming you in person. See you soon!


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